A trademark assists as the individual identity of a brand or company or business. It may take the method of confrontations, shade combinations, resonances, odors, perceptions, or even a name that entirely describes a product. It may also take the form of a graphical portrayal. Branding is an imaginative process that demands widespread study and knowledge generation. Depending on the course, altered registration necessities apply. Before submitting a Trademark Registration Application, a Trademark Search must be done to avoid contradictions.
What is Trademark Class 1?
According to the NICE organization, normally known as the International Certification of Goods and Services, trademarks are alienated into 45 distinct classes. Selecting the right chemical trademark class for your merchandise deals is the first phase in the trademark registration procedure. Of those 45 classes, 34 drop in the “Goods” dissection and 11 drop in “Services,” and every class establishes a convinced category of Goods and Services. Selecting the appropriate class is essential when submitting an application for Trademark Registration. When selecting a right class for your goods and services, a Trademark Search is accompanied. It contains over 80,000 goods in this classification.
What Does an Initial Trademark Search Entail?
Before capitalizing time and money in a spot, do not forget to do an introductory trademark search, occasionally denoted as a knock-out search, which is the first phase in the trademark registration process. Characteristically, it involves penetrating finished the trademark database at Ipindia. Finding matching trademarks that are previously registered for any goods or services that are alike to yours only necessitates a fast hunt.
What Trademark Class Should I Pick for Trademark Registration?
- Consider any reputable multinational logistics company with a forthright logo as an example. It cannot be repeated or copied by any other company. Once a characteristic distinctiveness or mark has been established to characterize your brand or business, it makes sense to get it endangered from unlicensed usage. You are given the indispensable brand fortification thanks to trademark registration in India.
- The NICE Classification was formed by the NICE agreement signed in 1957, and the Government of India has organized the organization of goods and services based on that classification. Every year, a new publication of goods and services is unconfined, and each class categorizes particular possessions or services under which a trademark search for a specific product is obligatory.
- There are two classes of products: goods and services. There are 45 classes used to categories all products and services. Two groups make up the organization of trademarks. Trademark classes 1 through 34 cover “Goods,” while classes 35 through 45 cover “Services.” Based on merchandise offerings, one must select one of 45 classes as appropriate.
- The choice of a symbol class is normally a confusing process that demands the technical information of a legal expert. You can agree whether you need to record for frequent trademark classes or what level of fortification is granted under a precise class with the help of specialized advice.
Benefits of a Trademark Search
- Find Potentially Conflicting Marks: The chief drive of a trademark search is to apprise you whether somebody has already started using a mark that is equal to or comparable to yours. You menace being sued for trademark violation if your proposed mark harms an already-registered mark. Such chronicles result in legal fees, financial losses, and the obligation that you terminate using your mark name.
- Save Time and Money: A detailed trademark search will permit you to direct clear of unanticipated advertising and production outlays. Any duplicate or confusingly similar marks that are already listed or pending will be made public. Therefore, by selecting not to file the similar name and management fee if you find that alike marks already exist, you will save money on the trademark application charge.
- Results of a Thorough Analytical Search: The trademark search will inspect marks that are similar in sound, arrival, and meaning. Moreover, it images for otherwise spelled marks, anagrams, wildcards, word truncations, root words, multi-character replacements, word sections and variations, mock marks, and other things. If there is a similarity in look, sound, meaning, or business impression, a trademark violation may also be present.
Various Trademark Searches
Three terms might be used when observing for a trademark. The first is a word mark hunt, the second is a phonetic search, and the third is a Vienna code search. Liable on the type of commercial you own, you will select a dissimilar search option as follows:
1. Phonetic Search: A number of trademarks may sound matching when manifest, reliant on the presenter. Therefore, it’s imperative to reflect the articulation when observing for a trademark. The consequence of a phonetic search is WORDMARK, which noises similar. Therefore, it can yield a while for the consequence to appear.
2. Wordmark Search: The term “wordmark” is now castoff to define a specific design for the printed name of a business, organization, or product.
3. Vienna Search: The candidate must select Vienna search if the symbol has metaphorical essentials or a logo.
Class 1 contains mainly chemical products used in industry, science and agriculture, including those which go to the making of products belonging to other classes. This Class includes in particular, compost, salt for preserving other than for foodstuffs and certain additives for the food industry.
1000+ Products List Enclosed Under Trademark Class 1
- Acesulfame Potassium
- Acesulfame-K
- Acetal
- Acetaldehyde
- Acetaldehyde [Ethanal]
- Acetanilide
- Acetate Of Cellulose, Unprocessed
- Acetate Of Cellulose, Unprocessed
- Acetates [Chemicals]
- Acetates [Chemicals] *
- Acetates [Chemicals]*
- Acetic Acid
- Acetic Acid Esters
- Acetic Anhydride
- Acetic Anhydride
- Acetone
- Acetone For Industrial Purposes
- Acetone For Industrial Use
- Acetonedicarboxylic Acid
- Acetophenone
- Acetylene
- Acetylene For Industrial Purposes
- Acetylene For Industrial Use
- Acetylene Tetrachloride
- Acetylene Tetrachloride
- Acid Proof Chemical Compositions
- Acid Proof Chemical Compositions
- Acid-Proof Chemical Compositions
- Acid-Resistant Chemical Compositions
- Acids
- Acids *
- Acidulated Water For Recharging Accumulators
- Acidulated Water For Recharging Batteries
- Acidulated Water For Recharging Batteries / Acidulated Water For Recharging Accumulators
- Acrylic Resins, Unprocessed
- Acrylic Resins, Unprocessed
- Acrylonitrile
- Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene Resins, Unprocessed
- Actinium
- Activated Carbon
- Activated Carbon Used For Aquarium Filtration
- Activated Charcoal
- Activated Zeolite Used For Aquarium Filtration
- Activated Carbon / Activated Charcoal
- Active Chemical Ingredients For Use In The Manufacture Of Anti-Cancer Drugs
- Active Chemical Ingredients For Use In The Manufacture Of Insecticides
- Active Chemical Ingredients For Use In The Manufacture Of Pharmaceuticals
- Additives, Chemical, To Drilling Muds
- Additives, Chemical, To Drilling Muds / Chemical Additives To Drilling Muds
- Additives, Chemical, To Fungicides
- Additives, Chemical, To Fungicides / Chemical Additives To Fungicides
- Additives, Chemical, To Insecticides
- Additives, Chemical, To Insecticides / Chemical Additives To Insecticides
- Additives, Chemical, To Motor Fuel
- Additives, Chemical, To Motor Fuel / Chemical Additives To Motor Fuel
- Adhesive Preparations For Surgical Bandages
- Adhesive Substances For Use In Industry
- Adhesive Preparations For Surgical Bandages
- Adhesives For Affixing Wall Tiles
- Adhesives For Applying Floor Tiles
- Adhesives For Applying Wall Coverings
- Adhesives For Billposting
- Adhesives For Bill-Posting
- Adhesives For Bookbinding
- Adhesives For Ceiling Tiles
- Adhesives For Ceramic Tiles
- Adhesives For Floor Tiles
- Adhesives For Floor, Ceiling And Wall Tiles
- Adhesives For Industrial Purposes
- Adhesives For Industrial Use
- Adhesives For Laying Ceramic Tiles
- Adhesives For Ornamental Paving
- Adhesives For Paper Hanging
- Adhesives For Paperhanging
- Adhesives For Paving
- Adhesives For Surgical Bandages
- Adhesives For The Building Industry
- Adhesives For The Construction Industry
- Adhesives For Use In Building
- Adhesives For Use In Construction
- Adhesives For Use In Industry
- Adhesives For Use In The Binding Of Books
- Adhesives For Use In The Building Industry
- Adhesives For Use In The Construction Industry
- Adhesives For Use In The Manufacture Of Furniture
- Adhesives For Use In The Manufacture Of Plywood
- Adhesives For Use In The Manufacture Of Surgical Bandages
- Adhesives For Use In The Manufacture Of Wall Coverings
- Adhesives For Wall Tiles
- Adhesives For Wallpaper
- Adhesives For Billposting
- Adhesives For Industrial Purposes
- Adhesives For Paperhanging / Adhesives For Wallpaper
- Adhesives For Wall Tiles
- Adipic Acid
- Adjuvants, Other Than For Medical Or Veterinary Purposes
- Adlay Flour For Industrial Purposes
- Agar-Agar
- Agar-Agar For Industrial Purposes
- Agglutinants For Cement
- Agglutinants For Clay
- Agglutinants For Concrete
- Agglutinants For Mortar
- Agglutinants For Plaster
- Agglutinants For Putty
- Agglutinants For Wood
- Agglutinants For Concrete
- Agricultural Chemicals
- Agricultural Chemicals, Except Fungicides, Herbicides, Insecticides And Parasiticides
- Agricultural Chemicals, Except Fungicides, Weedkillers, Herbicides, Insecticides And Parasiticides
- Agricultural Lime
- Agricultural Chemicals, Except Fungicides, Herbicides, Insecticides And Parasiticides
- Air Entraining Agents
- Air-Entraining Agents
- Albumenized Paper
- Albumenized Paper
- Albumin [Animal Or Vegetable, Raw Material]
- Albumin For Industrial Purposes
- Albumin For Use In Manufacture
- Albumin [Animal Or Vegetable, Raw Material]
- Alcohol
- Alcohol For Industrial Purposes
- Alcohol For Use In The Manufacture Of Paints And Other Coatings
- Alcohol For Use In The Manufacture Of Perfumes
- Aldehydes
- Aldehydes *
- Algarovilla For Use In Tanning
- Alginates For Industrial Purposes
- Alginates For The Food Industry
- Alginates For Industrial Purposes
- Alginates For The Food Industry
- Aliphatic Compounds
- Aliphatics
- Alkali Metals
- Alkalies
- Alkali-Metal Salts
- Alkaline Iodides For Industrial Purposes
- Alkaline Iodides For Industrial Use
- Alkaline Metals
- Alkaline Iodides For Industrial Purposes
- Alkaline Metals
- Alkaline-Earth Metals
- Alkaline-Earth Metals
- Alkalis
- Alkaloids
- Alkaloids *
- Alloys Of Rare Earth Metals
- Allyl Alcohol
- Allyl Chloride
- Alpha-Ketoglutaric Acid
- Alum
- Alumina
- Aluminate
- Aluminium Acetate
- Aluminium Acetate *
- Aluminium Alum
- Aluminium Ammonium Sulfate
- Aluminium Chloride
- Aluminium Hydrate
- Aluminium Hydroxide
- Aluminium Iodide
- Aluminium Nitrate
- Aluminium Oxide
- Aluminium Oxynitride
- Aluminium Silicate
- Aluminium Sulfate
- Aluminium Sulphate
- Aluminium Acetate*
- Aluminium Alum
- Aluminium Chloride
- Aluminium Hydrate
- Aluminium Iodide
- Aluminium Silicate
- Aluminum Acetate
- Aluminum Alum
- Aluminum Ammonium Sulfate
- Aluminum Chloride
- Aluminum Hydrate
- Aluminum Hydroxide
- Aluminum Iodide
- Aluminum Nitrate
- Aluminum Oxide
- Aluminum Oxynitride
- Aluminum Silicate
- Aluminum Sulfate
- Aluminum Sulphate
- Alunite
- Americium
- Amides For Use In Manufacture
- Amino Acids For Industrial Purposes
- Amino Acids For Scientific Purposes
- Ammonia
- Ammonia [Volatile Alkali] For Industrial Purposes
- Ammonia Alum
- Ammonia For Industrial Purposes
- Ammonia Water
- Ammonia [Volatile Alkali] For Industrial Purposes / Volatile Alkali [Ammonia] For Industrial Purposes
- Ammonia Alum
- Ammoniacal Salts
- Ammoniacal Salts
- Ammonium Acetate
- Ammonium Aldehyde
- Ammonium Alum
- Ammonium Bicarbonate
- Ammonium Bichromate
- Ammonium Bromide
- Ammonium Carbonate
- Ammonium Chloride
- Ammonium Chloride Fertilisers
- Ammonium Chloride Fertilizers
- Ammonium Dichromate
- Ammonium Fluoride
- Ammonium Hydroxide
- Ammonium Molybdate
- Ammonium Nitrate
- Ammonium Nitrate Fertilizers
- Ammonium Perchlorate
- Ammonium Persulfate
- Ammonium Phosphate
- Ammonium Salts
- Ammonium Sulfate
- Ammonium Sulfate Fertilisers
- Ammonium Sulfate Fertilizers
- Ammonium Sulfide
- Ammonium Sulphate
- Ammonium Sulphate Fertilisers
- Ammonium Sulphate Fertilizers
- Ammonium Sulphide
- Ammonium Tungstate
- Ammonium Vanadate
- Ammonium Aldehyde
- Ammonium Nitrate
- Ammonium Salts
- Amyl Acetate
- Amyl Alcohol
- Amyl Alcohol [Pentanol]
- Amyl Acetate
- Amyl Alcohol
- Anhydrides
- Anhydrous Ammonia
- Anhydrous Sodium Hydroxide For Industrial Purposes
- Anhydrous Ammonia
- Aniline
- Animal Albumen [Raw Material]
- Animal Carbon
- Animal Carbon Preparations
- Animal Charcoal
- Animal Manure
- Animal Albumen [Raw Material]
- Animal Carbon
- Animal Carbon Preparations
- Animal Charcoal
- Animal Manure
- Anisole
- Anthracene
- Anthranilic Acid
- Anthranilic Acid
- Antibodies For Scientific Purposes, Other Than For Medical Or Veterinary Use
- Antibody Reagents For Scientific Purposes
- Anti-Boil Preparations For Engine Coolants
- Anti-Boil Preparations For Engine Coolants
- Anticaking Agents For Use In The Manufacture Of Animal Feed
- Anti-Caking Agents For Use In The Manufacture Of Animal Feed
- Anti-Creasing Agents
- Antifreeze
- Anti-Freeze
- Antifreeze Chemicals
- Anti-Freeze Chemicals
- Antifreeze For Vehicle Cooling Systems
- Anti-Freeze For Vehicle Cooling Systems
- Antifreeze For Vehicle Radiators
- Anti-Freeze For Vehicle Radiators
- Antifreeze For Windscreen Washer Systems
- Anti-Freeze For Windscreen Washer Systems
- Antifreeze For Windshield Washer Systems
- Anti-Freeze For Windshield Washer Systems
- Anti-Freeze Preparations
- Antifreezing Liquids
- Anti-Freezing Liquids
- Antifreezing Preparations
- Anti-Freezing Preparations
- Anti-Frothing Solutions For Accumulators
- Anti-Frothing Solutions For Batteries
- Anti-Frothing Solutions For Batteries / Anti-Frothing Solutions For Accumulators
- Anti-Incrustants
- Anti-Knock Substances For Internal Combustion Engines
- Anti-Knock Substances For Internal Combustion Engines
- Antimonate
- Antimony
- Antimony Oxide
- Antimony Sulfide
- Antimony Sulphide
- Antimony Oxide
- Antimony Sulfide
- Antioxidants For Use In Manufacture
- Antioxidants For Use In The Manufacture Of Beverages
- Antioxidants For Use In The Manufacture Of Cosmetics
- Antioxidants For Use In The Manufacture Of Food And Beverages
- Antioxidants For Use In The Manufacture Of Food Products
- Antioxidants For Use In The Manufacture Of Food Supplements
- Antioxidants For Use In The Manufacture Of Pharmaceuticals
- Antioxidants For Use In Manufacture
- Antioxidants For Use In The Manufacture Of Cosmetics
- Antioxidants For Use In The Manufacture Of Food Supplements
- Antioxidants For Use In The Manufacture Of Pharmaceuticals
- Anti-Pathogen Plant-Protecting Preparations
- Anti-Reflective Coatings For Ophthalmic Lenses
- Anti-Shrink Agents
- Anti-Shrinkage Agents
- Anti-Sprouting Preparations For Vegetables
- Anti-Sprouting Preparations For Vegetables
- Antistatic Preparations For Industrial Purposes
- Anti-Static Preparations For Industrial Purposes
- Antistatic Preparations, Other Than For Household Purposes
- Anti-Static Preparations, Other Than For Household Purposes
- Antistatic Sprays For Electronic Equipment
- Anti-Static Sprays For Electronic Equipment
- Antistatic Preparations, Other Than For Household Purposes
- Anti-Sulphurizing Agents For Accumulators
- Anti-Sulphurizing Agents For Batteries
- Anti-Tarnishing Chemicals For Windows
- Anti-Tarnishing Chemicals For Windows
- Arabitol
- Argon
- Aromatic Hydrocarbons
- Aromatic Solvents For Industrial And Commercial Use
- Aromatics [Chemicals]
- Arsenic
- Arsenic Acid
- Arsenious Acid
- Arsenious Acid
- Arsine
- Artificial And Synthetic Resins, Unprocessed
- Artificial Graphite For Industrial Purposes
- Artificial Graphite For Use In The Manufacture Of Secondary Cell Batteries
- Artificial Plant Cultivation Soil
- Artificial Plant Cultivation Soil Made Of Mineral Materials
- Artificial Plant Cultivation Soil Made Of Plastic Materials
- Artificial Resins, Unprocessed
- Artificial Soil For Plant Cultivation
- Artificial Soil For Plant Cultivation Made From Mineral Materials
- Artificial Soil For Plant Cultivation Made From Plastic Materials
- Artificial Sweeteners
- Artificial Sweeteners [Chemical Preparations]
- Artificial Sweeteners For Beverages
- Artificial Sweeteners [Chemical Preparations]
- Aspartame
- Asphalt Release Agents
- Assay Samples For Research Purposes
- Assays For Research Purposes
- Astatine
- Automatic Transmission Fluids
- Auxiliary Fluids For Use With Abrasives
- Auxiliary Fluids For Use With Abrasives
- Azobenzene
- Azodicarbonamide
- Azoxybenzene
- Bacteria For Use In Food Manufacture
- Bacteria For Use In The Manufacture Of Food
- Bacteria For Waste Water Treatment
- Bacteria For Wastewater Treatment
- Bacterial Cultures For The Food Industry
- Bacterial Cultures For Waste Water Treatment
- Bacterial Cultures For Wastewater Treatment
- Bacterial Preparations For The Decomposition Of Animal Waste
- Bacterial Preparations For The Food Industry
- Bacterial Preparations Other Than For Medical And Veterinary Purposes
- Bacterial Preparations Other Than For Medical Or Veterinary Use
- Bacterial Preparations, Other Than For Medical And Veterinary Use
- Bacterial Preparations, Other Than For Medical And Veterinary Use
- Bacteriological Preparations For Acetification
- Bacteriological Preparations, Other Than For Medical And Veterinary Use
- Bacteriological Preparations For Acetification
- Bacteriological Preparations, Other Than For Medical And Veterinary Use
- Bagasse Pulp For Use In The Manufacture Of Paper
- Barite
- Barium
- Barium Chloride
- Barium Compounds
- Barium Hydroxide
- Barium Nitrate
- Barium Nitrite
- Barium Peroxide
- Barium Phosphate
- Barium Sulfate
- Barium Sulfide
- Barium Sulphate
- Barium Sulphide
- Barium Compounds
- Barium Sulfate
- Baryta
- Baryta Paper
- Baryta Paper
- Barytes
- Bases [Chemical Preparations]
- Bases [Chemical Preparations]
- Basic Gallate Of Bismuth
- Basic Gallate Of Bismuth
- Bast Fiber Pulp
- Bast Fibre Pulp
- Bast Pulp
- Bate For Dressing Skins
- Bate For Dressing Skins / Dressing, Except Oils, For Skins
- Baths For Galvanizing
- Battery Anti-Sulphurizing Agents
- Battery Electrolytes
- Bauxite
- Beer Preserving Agents
- Beer Preserving Agents
- Beer-Clarifying And Preserving Agents
- Bentonite
- Benzene
- Benzene Derivatives
- Benzene-Based Acids
- Benzoic Acid
- Benzoic Sulfimide
- Benzol
- Berkelium
- Bicarbonate Of Soda For Chemical Purposes
- Bichloride Of Tin
- Bichromate Of Potassium
- Bichromate Of Soda
- Biochemical Catalysts
- Biological Preparations, Other Than For Medical Or Veterinary Purposes
- Biological Tissue Cultures, Other Than For Medical Or Veterinary Purposes
- Birdlime
- Bismuth
- Bismuth Subnitrate For Chemical Purposes
- Blood Charcoal
- Blue Vitriol / Copper Sulfate [Blue Vitriol]
- Blueprint Cloth
- Blueprint Paper
- Bone Charcoal
- Borax
- Boric Acid For Industrial Purposes
- Brake Fluid
- Brazing Fluxes
- Brazing Preparations
- Brickwork Preservatives, Except Paints And Oils
- Bromine For Chemical Purposes
- By-Products Of The Processing Of Cereals For Industrial Purposes
- Caesium
- Calcined Soda
- Calcium Carbide
- Calcium Cyanamide [Fertilizer] / Calcium Cyanamide [Fertiliser]
- Calcium Salts
- Californium
- Calomel [Mercurous Chloride]
- Camphor, For Industrial Purposes
- Carbide
- Carbolineum For The Protection Of Plants
- Carbon
- Carbon Black For Industrial Purposes
- Carbon Disulfide
- Carbon For Filters
- Carbon Tetrachloride
- Carbonates
- Carbonic Acid
- Carbonic Hydrates
- Casein For Industrial Purposes
- Casein For The Food Industry
- Cassiopium [Lutetium] / Lutetium [Cassiopium]
- Catalysts
- Catechu
- Caustic Alkali
- Caustic Soda For Industrial Purposes
- Caustics For Industrial Purposes
- Cellulose
- Cellulose Derivatives [Chemicals]
- Cellulose Esters For Industrial Purposes
- Cellulose Ethers For Industrial Purposes
- Cement [Metallurgy]
- Cement For Footwear
- Cement For Mending Broken Articles
- Cement Preservatives, Except Paints And Oils
- Cement-Waterproofing Chemicals, Except Paints
- Ceramic Compositions For Sintering [Granules And Powders]
- Ceramic Glazings
- Ceramic Materials In Particulate Form, For Use As Filtering Media
- Cerium
- Chemical Additives For Oils
- Chemical Coatings For Ophthalmic Lenses
- Chemical Condensation Preparations
- Chemical Intensifiers For Paper
- Chemical Intensifiers For Rubber
- Chemical Preparations For Facilitating The Alloying Of Metals
- Chemical Preparations For Scientific Purposes, Other Than For Medical Or Veterinary Use
- Chemical Preparations For Smoking Meat
- Chemical Preparations For Use In Photography
- Chemical Preparations To Prevent Diseases Affecting Cereal Plants
- Chemical Preparations To Prevent Diseases Affecting Vine Plants
- Chemical Preparations To Prevent Mildew
- Chemical Preparations To Prevent Wheat Blight / Chemical Preparations To Prevent Wheat Smut
- Chemical Reagents, Other Than For Medical Or Veterinary Purposes
- Chemical Substances For Analyses In Laboratories, Other Than For Medical Or Veterinary Purposes / Chemical Preparations For Analyses In Laboratories, Other Than For Medical Or Veterinary Purposes
- Chemical Substances For Preserving Foodstuffs
- Chemicals For The Manufacture Of Paints
- Chemicals For The Manufacture Of Pigments
- Chemicals For Use In Forestry, Except Fungicides, Herbicides, Insecticides And Parasiticides
- Chemicals, Except Pigments, For The Manufacture Of Enamel
- Chimney Cleaners, Chemical
- Chlorates
- Chlorides
- Chlorine
- Cholic Acid
- Chromates
- Chrome Alum
- Chrome Salts
- Chromic Acid
- Chromic Salts
- Chromium Oxide
- Cinematographic Film, Sensitized But Not Exposed / Cinematographic Films, Sensitized But Not Exposed
- Citric Acid For Industrial Purposes
- Clarification Preparations / Purification Preparations
- Coal Saving Preparations
- Cobalt Oxide For Industrial Purposes
- Collagen For Industrial Purposes
- Collodion*
- Colour-Brightening Chemicals For Industrial Purposes / Color-Brightening Chemicals For Industrial Purposes
- Combusting Preparations [Chemical Additives To Motor Fuel]
- Compositions For The Manufacture Of Phonograph Records
- Compositions For The Manufacture Of Technical Ceramics
- Compositions For Repairing Inner Tubes Of Tyres / Compositions For Repairing Inner Tubes Of Tires
- Compositions For Repairing Tyres / Compositions For Repairing Tires
- Compositions For Threading
- Compost
- Concrete Preservatives, Except Paints And Oils
- Concrete-Aeration Chemicals
- Condensation-Preventing Chemicals
- Coolants For Vehicle Engines
- Corrosive Preparations
- Cream Of Tartar For Chemical Purposes
- Cream Of Tartar For Industrial Purposes
- Cream Of Tartar For The Food Industry
- Creosote For Chemical Purposes
- Crotonic Aldehyde
- Cryogenic Preparations
- Cultures Of Microorganisms, Other Than For Medical And Veterinary Use
- Curium
- Currying Preparations For Leather
- Currying Preparations For Skins
- Cyanides [Prussiates] / Prussiates
- Cymene
- Damp-Proofing Chemicals, Except Paints, For Masonry
- Decolorants For Industrial Purposes / Bleaching Preparations [Decolorants] For Industrial Purposes
- Defoliants
- Degreasing Preparations For Use In Manufacturing Processes / Grease-Removing Preparations For Use In Manufacturing Processes
- Dehydrating Preparations For Industrial Purposes
- Dendrimer-Based Polymers For Use In The Manufacture Of Capsules For Pharmaceuticals
- Descaling Preparations, Other Than For Household Purposes
- Detergent Additives To Petrol / Detergent Additives To Gasoline
- Detergents For Use In Manufacturing Processes
- Dextrin [Size]
- Diagnostic Preparations, Other Than For Medical Or Veterinary Purposes
- Diastase For Industrial Purposes
- Diatomaceous Earth
- Diazo Paper
- Disincrustants
- Dispersions Of Plastics
- Distilled Water
- Dolomite For Industrial Purposes
- Drilling Muds
- Dry Ice [Carbon Dioxide]
- Dysprosium
- Electrophoresis Gels
- Emollients For Industrial Purposes
- Emulsifiers
- Enamel-Staining Chemicals
- Engine-Decarbonising Chemicals / Chemical Preparations For Decarbonising Engines
- Enzyme Preparations For Industrial Purposes
- Enzyme Preparations For The Food Industry
- Enzymes For Industrial Purposes
- Enzymes For The Food Industry
- Epoxy Resins, Unprocessed
- Erbium
- Esters*
- Ethane
- Ethers*
- Ethyl Alcohol
- Ethyl Ether
- Europium
- Expanded Clay For Hydroponic Plant Growing [Substrate]
- Fat-Bleaching Chemicals
- Fatty Acids
- Ferments For Chemical Purposes
- Fermium
- Ferrocyanides
- Ferrotype Plates [Photography]
- Fertilizers / Fertilisers
- Fertilizing Preparations / Fertilising Preparations
- Filtering Materials Of Chemical Substances
- Filtering Materials Of Mineral Substances
- Filtering Materials Of Unprocessed Plastics
- Filtering Materials Of Vegetable Substances
- Filtering Preparations For The Beverages Industry
- Finishing Preparations For Use In The Manufacture Of Steel
- Fire Extinguishing Compositions
- Fireproofing Preparations
- Fish Meal Fertilizers / Fish Meal Fertilisers
- Fissionable Chemical Elements
- Fissionable Material For Nuclear Energy
- Fixing Baths [Photography]
- Fixing Solutions [Photography]
- Flashlight Preparations
- Flavonoids [Phenolic Compounds] For Industrial Purposes
- Flocculants
- Flour For Industrial Purposes
- Flower Preservatives
- Flowers Of Sulfur For Chemical Purposes
- Fluids For Hydraulic Circuits / Liquids For Hydraulic Circuits
- Fluorine
- Fluorspar Compounds
- Formic Acid
- Formic Aldehyde For Chemical Purposes
- Foundry Binding Substances
- Foundry Moulding Preparations / Foundry Molding Preparations
- Foundry Sand
- Francium
- Fuel For Nuclear Reactors
- Fuel-Saving Preparations
- Fuller’S Earth For Use In The Textile Industry
- Fulling Preparations
- Fulling Preparations For Use In The Textile Industry
- Gadolinium
- Gallic Acid For The Manufacture Of Ink
- Gallium
- Gallnuts
- Gallotannic Acid
- Galvanizing Baths / Baths For Galvanizing
- Galvanizing Preparations
- Gambier
- Gas Purifying Preparations / Preparations For The Purification Of Gas
- Gelatine For Industrial Purposes
- Gelatine For Photographic Purposes
- Genes Of Seeds For Agricultural Production
- Getters [Chemically Active Substances]
- Glass-Frosting Chemicals
- Glass-Staining Chemicals
- Glaziers’ Putty
- Glucose For Industrial Purposes
- Glucose For The Food Industry
- Glucosides
- Glue For Industrial Purposes
- Glutamic Acid For Industrial Purposes
- Gluten [Glue], Other Than For Stationery Or Household Purposes
- Gluten For Industrial Purposes
- Gluten For The Food Industry
- Glutinous Tree-Grafting Preparations / Glutinous Preparations For Tree-Banding / Glutinous Preparations For Tree-Grafting / Glutinous Tree-Banding Preparations
- Glycerides
- Glycerine For Industrial Purposes
- Glycol
- Glycol Ether
- Gold Salts
- Grafting Mastic For Trees
- Grafting Wax For Trees
- Graphene
- Graphite For Industrial Purposes
- Guano
- Gum Arabic For Industrial Purposes
- Gum Solvents / Degumming Preparations
- Gum Tragacanth For Industrial Purposes
- Gums [Adhesives] For Industrial Purposes
- Gurjun Balsam For Use In The Manufacture Of Varnish
- Gypsum For Use As A Fertilizer
- Heavy Water
- Helium
- Holmium
- Hormones For Hastening The Ripening Of Fruit
- Horticultural Chemicals, Except Fungicides, Herbicides, Insecticides And Parasiticides
- Humus
- Humus Top Dressing
- Hydrates
- Hydrazine
- Hydrochlorates
- Hydrochloric Acid
- Hydrofluoric Acid
- Hydrogen
- Hydrogen Peroxide For Industrial Purposes
- Hypochlorite Of Soda
- Hyposulfites
- Industrial Chemicals
- Iodic Acid
- Iodine For Chemical Purposes
- Iodine For Industrial Purposes
- Iodised Albumen
- Iodised Salts
- Ion Exchangers [Chemicals]
- Iron Salts
- Isinglass, Other Than For Stationery, Household Or Alimentary Purposes
- Isotopes For Industrial Purposes
- Kainite
- Kaolin / China Clay / China Slip
- Ketones
- Kieselgur
- Krypton
- Lactic Acid
- Lactose [Raw Material]
- Lactose For Industrial Purposes
- Lactose For The Food Industry
- Lamp Black For Industrial Purposes
- Lanthanum
- Lead Acetate
- Lead Arsenate
- Lead Oxide
- Leather Glues
- Leather-Dressing Chemicals
- Leather-Impregnating Chemicals
- Leather-Renovating Chemicals
- Leather-Waterproofing Chemicals
- Lecithin [Raw Material]
- Lecithin For Industrial Purposes
- Lecithin For The Food Industry
- Lime Acetate
- Lime Carbonate
- Lime Chloride
- Limestone Hardening Substances
- Liquids For Removing Sulfates From Batteries / Liquids For Removing Sulfates From Accumulators
- Lithia [Lithium Oxide]
- Lithium
- Litmus Paper
- Loam
- Magnesite
- Magnesium Carbonate
- Magnesium Chloride
- Magnetic Fluid For Industrial Purposes
- Malt Albumen
- Manganate
- Manganese Dioxide
- Mangrove Bark For Industrial Purposes
- Masonry Preservatives, Except Paints And Oils
- Mastic For Leather
- Mastic For Tyres / Mastic For Tires
- Meat Tenderizers For Industrial Purposes
- Mercuric Oxide
- Mercury
- Mercury Salts
- Metal Annealing Preparations
- Metal Hardening Preparations
- Metal Tempering Preparations
- Metalloids
- Methane
- Methyl Benzene
- Methyl Benzol
- Methyl Ether
- Milk Ferments For Chemical Purposes
- Milk Ferments For Industrial Purposes
- Milk Ferments For The Food Industry
- Mineral Acids
- Moderating Materials For Nuclear Reactors
- Moistening [Wetting] Preparations For Use In Bleaching / Wetting Preparations For Use In Bleaching
- Moistening [Wetting] Preparations For Use In Dyeing / Wetting Preparations For Use In Dyeing
- Moistening [Wetting] Preparations For Use In The Textile Industry / Wetting Preparations For Use In The Textile Industry
- Mordants For Metals
- Mould-Release Preparations / Mold-Release Preparations
- Must-Fining Preparations
- Nanopowders For Industrial Purposes
- Naphthalene
- Neodymium
- Neon
- Neptunium
- Nitrate Paper
- Nitrates
- Nitric Acid
- Nitrogen
- Nitrogenous Fertilizers / Nitrogenous Fertilisers
- Nitrous Oxide
- Oenological Bactericides [Chemical Preparations For Use In Wine Making]
- Oil Cement [Putty]
- Oil Dispersants
- Oil-Bleaching Chemicals
- Oil-Purifying Chemicals
- Oils For Currying Leather
- Oils For Preparing Leather In The Course Of Manufacture
- Oils For Tanning Leather
- Oils For The Preservation Of Food
- Oil-Separating Chemicals
- Oleic Acid
- Olivine [Silicate Mineral]
- Opacifiers For Enamel
- Opacifiers For Glass
- Organic Digestate [Fertilizer] / Organic Digestate [Fertiliser]
- Oxalates
- Oxalic Acid
- Oxygen For Industrial Purposes
- Palladium Chloride
- Paper Pulp
- Paste Fillers For Automobile Body Repair / Paste Fillers For Car Body Repair
- Peat [Fertilizer] / Peat [Fertiliser]
- Peat Pots For Horticulture
- Pectin [Photography]
- Pectin For Industrial Purposes
- Pectin For The Food Industry
- Perborate Of Soda
- Percarbonates
- Perchlorates
- Persulfates
- Persulfuric Acid
- Petroleum Dispersants
- Phenol For Industrial Purposes
- Phosphates [Fertilizers] / Phosphates [Fertilisers]
- Phosphatides
- Phosphoric Acid
- Phosphorus
- Photographic Developers
- Photographic Emulsions
- Photographic Paper
- Photographic Sensitizers
- Photometric Paper
- Photosensitive Plates
- Picric Acid
- Plant Growth Regulating Preparations
- Plasticizers
- Plastics, Unprocessed
- Plastisols
- Plutonium
- Polish Removing Substances / Substances For Removing Polish
- Polonium
- Polymer Resins, Unprocessed
- Potash
- Potash Water
- Potassium
- Potassium Dioxalate
- Potato Flour For Industrial Purposes
- Potting Soil
- Power Steering Fluid
- Praseodymium
- Preparations For The Separation Of Greases
- Preparations For Preventing The Tarnishing Of Glass
- Preparations For Preventing The Tarnishing Of Lenses
- Preparations Of The Distillation Of Wood Alcohol
- Preparations Of Microorganisms, Other Than For Medical And Veterinary Use
- Preparations Of Trace Elements For Plants
- Preparations For Stimulating Cooking For Industrial Purposes
- Preservatives For Tiles, Except Paints And Oils
- Preservatives For Use In The Pharmaceutical Industry
- Promethium
- Propellant Gases For Aerosols
- Protactinium
- Protective Gases For Welding
- Protein [Raw Material]
- Proteins For The Food Industry
- Proteins For Use In Manufacture
- Proteins For Use In The Manufacture Of Food Supplements
- Pyrogallic Acid
- Quebracho For Industrial Purposes
- Radiator Flushing Chemicals
- Radioactive Elements For Scientific Purposes
- Radium For Scientific Purposes
- Radon
- Rare Earths
- Reagent Paper, Other Than For Medical Or Veterinary Purposes
- Reducing Agents For Use In Photography
- Refrigerants
- Renovating Preparations For Phonograph Records
- Rhenium
- Rock Salt
- Rubber Preservatives
- Rubidium
- Saccharin
- Sal Ammoniac
- Sal Ammoniac Spirits
- Salicylic Acid
- Salt For Preserving, Other Than For Foodstuffs
- Salt, Raw
- Saltpeter / Salpetre
- Salts [Chemical Preparations]
- Salts [Fertilizers] / Salts [Fertilisers]
- Salts For Colouring Metal / Salts For Coloring Metal
- Salts For Galvanic Cells / Salts For Galvanic Batteries
- Salts For Industrial Purposes
- Salts From Rare Earth Metals
- Salts Of Alkaline Metals
- Salts Of Precious Metals For Industrial Purposes
- Samarium
- Sauce For Preparing Tobacco
- Scandium
- Seawater For Industrial Purposes
- Seaweeds [Fertilizers] / Seaweeds [Fertilisers]
- Sebacic Acid
- Seed Preserving Substances
- Selenium
- Self-Toning Paper [Photography]
- Sensitized Cloth For Photography
- Sensitized Films, Unexposed
- Sensitized Paper
- Sensitized Photographic Plates
- Sensitized Plates For Offset Printing
- Separating And Unsticking [Ungluing] Preparations / Ungluing Preparations / Unsticking And Separating Preparations
- Silicates
- Silicon
- Silicon Carbide [Raw Material]
- Silicones
- Silver Nitrate
- Silver Salt Solutions For Silvering
- Size For Finishing And Priming
- Size For Use In The Textile Industry
- Sizing Preparations
- Slag [Fertilizers] / Slag [Fertilisers]
- Soap [Metallic] For Industrial Purposes
- Soda Ash
- Sodium
- Sodium Salts [Chemical Compounds]
- Soil Conditioning Preparations
- Soil For Growing
- Soldering Chemicals / Welding Chemicals
- Soldering Fluxes
- Solidified Gases For Industrial Purposes
- Solutions For Cyanotyping
- Solvents For Varnishes
- Soot For Industrial Or Agricultural Purposes
- Sorrel Salt
- Spinel [Oxide Mineral]
- Spirits Of Salt
- Spirits Of Vinegar [Dilute Acetic Acid]
- Stain-Preventing Chemicals For Use On Fabrics
- Starch For Industrial Purposes
- Starch Paste [Adhesive], Other Than For Stationery Or Household Purposes
- Starch-Liquifying Chemicals [Ungluing Agents] / Ungluing Agents [Chemical Preparations For Liquifying Starch]
- Stearic Acid
- Stem Cells, Other Than For Medical Or Veterinary Purposes
- Strontium
- Substances For Preventing Runs In Stockings
- Substrates For Soil-Free Growing [Agriculture]
- Sulfates
- Sulfides
- Sulfonic Acids
- Sulfur
- Sulfuric Acid
- Sulfuric Ether
- Sulfurous Acid
- Sumac For Use In Tanning
- Superphosphates [Fertilizers] / Superphosphates [Fertilisers]
- Synthetic Materials For Absorbing Oil
- Synthetic Resins, Unprocessed / Artificial Resins, Unprocessed
- Talc [Magnesium Silicate]
- Tan
- Tannic Acid
- Tannin
- Tanning Substances
- Tan-Wood
- Tapioca Flour For Industrial Purposes
- Tartar, Other Than For Pharmaceutical Purposes
- Tartaric Acid
- Tea Extracts For The Food Industry
- Tea Extracts For Use In The Manufacture Of Cosmetics
- Tea Extracts For Use In The Manufacture Of Pharmaceuticals
- Technetium
- Tellurium
- Tensio-Active Agents / Surface-Active Chemical Agents
- Terbium
- Test Paper, Chemical
- Tetrachlorides
- Textile-Brightening Chemicals
- Textile-Impregnating Chemicals
- Textile-Waterproofing Chemicals
- Thallium
- Thiocarbanilide
- Thorium
- Thulium
- Thymol For Industrial Purposes
- Titanite
- Titanium Dioxide For Industrial Purposes
- Toluol / Toluene
- Toning Baths [Photography]
- Toning Salts [Photography]
- Topsoil
- Toxic Gas Neutralizers
- Transmission Fluid
- Transmission Oil
- Tree Cavity Fillers [Forestry]
- Tungstic Acid
- Uranium
- Uranium Nitrate
- Uranium Oxide
- Vinic Alcohol
- Viscose
- Vitamins For The Food Industry
- Vitamins For Use In The Manufacture Of Cosmetics
- Vitamins For Use In The Manufacture Of Food Supplements
- Vitamins For Use In The Manufacture Of Pharmaceuticals
- Vulcanization Accelerators
- Vulcanizing Preparations
- Wallpaper Removing Preparations
- Water Glass [Soluble Glass]
- Water-Purifying Chemicals
- Water-Softening Preparations
- Wax-Bleaching Chemicals
- Wine Finings
- Witherite
- Wood Alcohol
- Wood Pulp
- Wood Vinegar [Pyroligneous Acid] / Pyroligneous Acid [Wood Vinegar]
- Xenon
- X-Ray Films, Sensitized But Not Exposed
- Xylene
- Xylol
- Ytterbium
- Yttrium
- Zirconia
- Beer-Clarifying And Preserving Agents
- Benzaldehyde
- Benzene Derivatives
- Benzene-Based Acids
- Benzidine
- Benzidine Sulfate
- Benzidine Sulphate
- Benzoic Acid
- Benzoic Sulfimide
- Benzophenone
- Benzoyl Peroxide For Industrial Purposes
- Benzyl Alcohol
- Benzyl Chloride
- Benzyl Ether
- Beta-Ketoglutaric Acid
- Betaines For Use In Manufacture
- Bicarbonate Of Soda For Chemical Purposes
- Bichloride Of Tin
- Bichromate Of Potassium
- Bichromate Of Soda
- Bio-Fertilisers
- Bio-Fertilizers
- Biochemical Catalysts
- Biochemical Precursors For Scientific Purposes
- Biochemical Preparations For Scientific Purposes
- Biochemicals For In Vitro And In Vivo Scientific Use
- Biodegradable Anionic Surfactants For Use In Manufacture
- Biofertilisers
- Biofertilizers
- Biological Preparations For Use In Industry
- Biological Preparations For Use In Industry And Science
- Biological Preparations For Use In Science
- Biological Preparations, Other Than For Medical Or Veterinary Purposes
- Biological Preparations, Other Than For Medical Or Veterinary Use
- Biological Tissue Cultures, Other Than For Medical Or Veterinary Purposes
- Biological Tissue Specimens For Use In Scientific Research
- Biphenyls
- Bismuth Chloride
- Bismuth Nitrate
- Bismuth Nitrate For Industrial Purposes
- Bismuth Subnitrate For Chemical Purposes
- Bleaching Preparations For Industrial Purposes
- Bleaching Preparations For Industrial Use
- Bleaching Preparations [Decolorants] For Industrial Purposes
- Blood Charcoal
- Blood Culture Media For Scientific Purposes
- Blood Culture Media For Scientific Use
- Blood Powder [Fertiliser]
- Blood Powder [Fertilizer]
- Blue Vitriol
- Blueprint Cloth
- Blueprint Paper
- Body Fillers For Use In The Aerospace Industry
- Bone Charcoal Bone Meal Fertilisers
The Following Goods Must Not Be Classified Under Class 1
Raw natural resins (Class 2), chemical products for use in medical science (Class 5), fungicides, herbicides and preparations for destroying vermin (Class 5), adhesives for stationery or household purposes (Class 16), salt for preserving foodstuffs (Class 30) and straw mulch (Class 31).

In publishing and graphic design, Lorem ipsum is a placeholder text commonly used to demonstrate the visual form of a document or a typeface without relying on meaningful content.