Remember that calligraphic image of the word “Cadbury” on those beloved chocolate bars? Interestingly, Cadbury doesn’t appear to be the same when viewed in a plain font. So what’s the trick? It’s not just calligraphy, right? Then what else?
It’s all about presentation. The presentation of a brand. It’s the Logo, the brand picture that differentiates a company from its competitors. A logo that sticks into the memory of its customers and keeps reminding them of the product or service of the company.
So how to crack the methods of designing the apt logo that aligns with your brand image? Here we will be sharing a few tips that will help design captivating logos for your brand.
- Identify your brand image: The primary step is to introspect your brand and understand the message it conveys to its audience. The perspective of the brand amongst its audience will define the right use of designs and colors to use. Follow the apt color psychology for logo designing. We have shared the kind of emotions associated with each color further in this article.
2. Understand your product/ service categories: Before you move ahead toward the creative logo design process, figure out your product range and customer segments accordingly. A logo should resonate with your products and brand image. It depends a lot on allocating the right designs and colors based on your brand identity. Focus on emotive aspects. If you have ever observed, a cool Apple logo wallpaper might contain a smooth and plain background, while a confectionery product with a colorful theme.
3. Visualize color schemes: Colors play a crucial role in designing a cool logo for your company. Take an example of cool anime logos. The color combinations can easily express the genre type and genre of content it contains. Determine your visual brand appearance and try out different combinations of colors.
4. Test your brand name with fonts: This step is one of the most interesting steps for turning a dull word into a catchy image of a brand. Again, do not forget ‘Cadbury’ as a prime example here. You can experiment with different fonts and look for the one that aligns well with your brand image.
5. Use paper to design rough logos: Now it’s time to unleash your artistic hand. Grab a piece of paper and draw logos according to your visualization. Don’t worry! It need not be perfect. The process will help you bring your imagination to life and try different colors and styles. The more you spend time trying, the closer you will come to the suitable logos for your brand.
6. Practice on free websites: There are various free websites on the internet where you can design cool logos for your brand. Some of these websites also contain tutorials that will assist in creating logo designs. Before moving to a professional, one can try out making logos on such sites. Who knows you hit the jackpot!
7. Seek Feedback: It is important to not be completely self-reliant and involve a few other members. It can either be your peers, family, colleagues, or survey groups. Ask for their suggestions and get their feedback on your designs. This could help in eliminating unseen errors and refine the results.
8. Get professional help: In case you are a wizard who already cast a fresh ready-to-use logo, then this step might be redundant for you. Otherwise, you can contact a logo design agency and communicate your requirements. Do not forget to share your designs and thoughts with them.
Go through these steps and voila! You have cleared the most effective tutorial for creating attractive logos. Now it’s your choice whether you want to design cool gaming logos or create cool logo wallpapers.
One important aspect of logo designing is to understand color psychology. Different colors evoke specific emotions. Let’s check out a few of them.
· Red: Strength, Confidence, Passion
· Green: Peace, Harmony, Connection
· Blue: Intelligence, Calmness, Trust
· Yellow: Happiness, Cheerful, Fun
· Orange: Optimism, Trust, Energy
· Purple: Royalty, Creativity, Wisdom
· Black: Sophistication, Power, Modernity
· White: Elegance, Sophistication, Impact
Interesting, isn’t it? Even colors convey a lot. This implies the power of visual appearance, which in turn highlights the significance of logos.
If all this seems confusing, you can seek guidance from a brand naming agency or a logo creation agency. The professionals follow several creative logo design steps to find the most suitable logo for a brand.
Even if you are struggling to adjust to your brand name, the various brand naming agencies in India offer collective logo designing and brand naming services.
Before reaching out to a product naming agency for your brand naming and logo designing, here are a few important points to remember.
· Convey the right brand image with the naming agency.
· Express your preferences and thoughts.
· Share your rough designs and approaches.
· Convey the emotive appeal the brand wants to create.
· Tell them about your competitors.
These are some of the key pointers while communicating with a logo design agency.
Now as we have already discussed a lot about the process of designing an appropriate logo for a brand, here we would like to focus on a few important characteristics of a compelling logo design.
· Focus on Simplicity: Logos aren’t meant to be complicated. Logos should be simple enough to stay in the mind of the viewer. Prime examples are Nike, McDonald’s, and Apple.
· Do not copy: It might be appealing to take inspiration from the logo designs of other brands, but it’s strictly unadvisable. It might get you into legal trouble or fail to distinguish from the original logo holder.
· Keep it Universal: Logo creation is a one-time thing. You do not alter it from time to time. Study your business and design logos that allow product expansions and sustain for a long time.
Logo designing is not just a process of applying creativity. There needs to be complete research of the brand and the audience. Logo is the prime salesman for your company. Design it according to the brand needs as it will convey the brand image and has to find its place in the heads of the customers.

In publishing and graphic design, Lorem ipsum is a placeholder text commonly used to demonstrate the visual form of a document or a typeface without relying on meaningful content.