Naming things is a tough process. When naming something, careful consideration is required in order to name it in a way that grabs attention and makes your product name stand out. It is also important to keep in mind that your product brand name will play a huge role in creating brand recognition. Therefore, a lot of brain work is required. Your product names can be based on history, on associations, or have other meanings attached. What matters is to create an appeal in the eyes of your target audience. Gone are the days when products were named based on the utility they served. Today, those names fail to make an impression that are common or too tough and complex. Listed below are a few golden rules to name your products in a way that makes them memorable for your target audience:
1. Easy to Write and Read
A tough-to-pronounce brand Name fails to attract the right attention. If your product name isn’t easy, people will find it tough to write it down or talk about it. This also creates a mind block wherein they won’t be willing to Google your products on the web. Therefore, you must keep it simple and avoid wacky spellings.
2. Focus on Uniqueness
It’s often tough to achieve complete uniqueness. However, when it comes to naming your brand or products, uniqueness is crucial. This also makes it easier to get a domain name. It also makes your product more searchable and exclusive.
3. It must be Punchy, Short, and Relevant
The more complicated your brand name is, the tougher it becomes to grab people’s attention. Longer names might also lead to the creation of abbreviations that are often out of your control. Just like your brand names, product names must be short, punchy, or relevant. A naming agency is the best to take advice from.
4. It must be Cool to Hear and also Look Good in Written Form
You need a product name that stands out and is devoid of all the boring words. Even when someone is using it in a sentence, your product name must be meaningful and engaging.
5. It must Evoke a Feeling, Idea, or Emotion
Your product name must be reflective of your ideas/product. You must be able to convey your feelings via the product name you choose. The idea you are trying to convey must always be clearly communicated.
6. Have a Product Naming Strategy in Place
Establish a product naming strategy to speed things up and make the task easier. It also makes your brand stronger. Take Samsung, for example. Their Galaxy smartphones are believed to be amazing. It proves useful for businesses to create some brand buzz instead of starting from scratch.
7. Research the Marketplace
Study the market to know about the types of brands or products that are mostly working and are able to make an impact. Researching the marketplace well shall help you figure out what’s trending and what’s not. This actually makes a lot of difference when deciding your product name. Now that you know what it takes, all the best for all the products that you intend to name. If you need any help in the process, Unboxfame is here to help. Whether you wish to name your business or product, our brand naming agency shall help you come up with the most authentic, creative, and engaging brand/product names.

In publishing and graphic design, Lorem ipsum is a placeholder text commonly used to demonstrate the visual form of a document or a typeface without relying on meaningful content.