What’s a name worth? Everything matters when you’re trying to market a product. It’s hard to give something a name. It’s challenging, to sum up something so complex in just one word or phrase, whether selecting a name for a new product, create a Product Naming Architecture & Product Naming Strategy or redesigning your entire product line.
Unfortunately, a product naming strategy is something that every great firm must have. We’ll detail exactly how to name a product in this helpful tutorial.
By giving something a name, you help your customers remember that product or service and offer your brand’s internal operations some depth. One development or presentation at a time, you develop brand recognition using your product naming architecture strategy.
When starting a business, naming a new product is one of the trickiest tasks you’ll face because it requires considering how you’ll compete in your present market, attract your target market’s attention, and maintaining your brand identity. Fortunately, you’re currently reading a piece from a group of our product naming experts.
When you’re done reading this, you’ll be able to name a product, understand the product naming architecture strategy, and create your own product naming convention moving forward. Let’s start now.
Importance of Product Naming for your New Product Launch
Unlike every separate brand name, product names identify the things and services your business sells. Many business owners believe the product name will be the final, straightforward element of their brand creation plan. Unfortunately, product names have much more influence than you might think. They must possess the following:
- Potential for a brand:- Your product naming approach doesn’t exist in a vacuum. Your product names should reflect the personality of your brand.
- Appealing to the market:- The better your product names are, the more you will understand your target market. Don’t forget to communicate in your customers’ terms.
- Visibility: Make sure it’s simple to find and search for your product online.
- Uniqueness: You don’t want to put your product in direct competition with dozens of others. Ensure it stands out.
In the end, product naming architecture strategies give you an additional means of captivating your audience. But the goal isn’t to sell the sizzle without the steak. Best practices for product naming are advantageous to both you and your audience. The importance of product naming is:
- Assist your consumer in selecting the best product or service: Do you choose the delicious pasta or the carb-free carbonara while seeking a low-fat lunch? Names provide people with the details they require to make more informed decisions.
- Instill trust in your brand: Your brand identity and image will be more consistent if you choose the proper product names. Your customers are more likely to feel like they can trust you if you are more consistent.
- Create a brand buzz: When something has a name, it stops being a generic object and becomes something specific that others may start discussing. Everyone will discuss your next launch if you correct the product naming convention.
5 Valuable Product Naming Architecture Strategy
- Effective naming architecture involves feeling. You cannot afford to misname a thing or a product when it has the power to build or damage your brand. After all, changing a name could entail developing a new marketing strategy, repackaging products, and other things. It’s a costly process that increases the possibility that your buyers will be perplexed by your goods and what it has to offer.
- Generally speaking, using a professional naming agency is the most distinctive approach to ensure your product naming procedure won’t give you any headaches. You can also keep in mind a few best practices, though. For illustration:
- Make it stand out: When deciding on a product’s name, it’s important to pick something your target market will understand and remember when they visit your store or shop online.
- Give it a purpose: Names must have a purpose, or else they lose their appeal. When a buyer hears the name of your new product, you don’t want them to ask, “Why did they choose that?” If your buyer can grasp it, you can be as creative as you like with the meaning.
- Make it distinct: Product architecture is challenging. In addition to providing your titles with a distinctive twist, you must find something your customers can grasp. In every market, differentiation is essential. You can understand how crucial it is to be unique when you consider that your keyword approach will be a complete mess if you use product names that are too similar.
What is Product Architecture?
Your brilliant product concept now requires a name. Spend time on the naming procedure to ensure your chosen name is ideal and recognizable. All of the possible names that come to mind should be recorded. To get the process started and make sure your name is distinctive and memorable.
Consider the following 10 Product Architecture suggestions:
- Describe The Role. Consider using catchy language to describe what your product performs. Think about including one in the name of your product.
- Rephrase an Actual Term. For instance, Fastrack was substituted for Fast tracks.
- Create New Vocabulary. Make up words or combine several words.
- Choose Something Entertaining and Memorable. Make sure your name is amusing and unique. Try using a play on words or alliteration.
- Arouse Feelings. Think about the words that make you feel a certain way. A memorable name will engage the target market on an emotional level.
- Say the words aloud. Say the name aloud after writing it down. Try it out on other people.
- Google it, don’t forget. To find out if any other items with that name are available, use search engines. Ensure your product’s name is search-friendly, and determine if the domain name is available.
5 Effective Strategies to Rename a New Product
There are many factors to consider before renaming your product. Perhaps customers routinely mix your business with rivals, or it no longer accurately reflects what you do or who you serve.
However, once you’ve decided to alter your new product name, the most critical question is: How do you accomplish it without alienating your current clientele? How can you develop a new company name and brand that is more powerful than your previous ones? So here are the four best suggestions to rename your new product correctly.

1. Product Naming Strategies
You must establish your company’s identity before you can come up with a new name. You can accomplish it by creating a product naming strategy.
Your strategy essentially involves who you are as a company and how you tell the world who you are. It will assist you in determining how unique you are and why your target market should choose your company.
Companies frequently need to change their names or their branding since their initial brand naming strategy is weak. Because of this, it’s crucial to focus on your plan before selecting a new company name. You may use this to establish a solid basis for all future branding and marketing initiatives.
2. Effective Naming Architecture
After creating a product naming strategy, you can begin to consider names for your New Product.
There isn’t just one method to approach this process correctly. However, there are a few things you can do to raise your odds of locating a viable choice:
- Continually follow your brand strategy. A list of the themes or messages you want your business name to express might be helpful when suggesting a name. For hints, you can go to your brand strategy’s main messages. This is not only a wonderful place to start, but it may also help you stay true to your brand strategy and corporate style.
- Prevent groupthink. According to studies, individual brainstorming generates more ideas than group brainstorming. However, before engaging in group brainstorming, start by brainstorming ideas independently. After that, you can come together to expand on those concepts.
- Make TONNES of new ideas. Finding a resonant name can take dozens, if not hundreds, of suggestions. Don’t modify your thoughts when you first start. Even terrible ideas can occasionally help get to a successful solution.
Once you’ve come up with many ideas, you may start to choose your favorites and expand on them. To find the concept that best fits your brand, you can see that a clear victor emerges immediately or that you must go through the brainstorming process more than once.
3. Design and Implement the Visual Identity of the Product.
Making a logo is the first step in product design. Your logo serves as both your organization’s visual identity and emblem. It aids in the public’s ability to distinguish your business from the sea of rivals.
Everything conveys who you are and what you stand for, from the layout of the mark or logo to the typeface and color scheme. Therefore, it is beneficial to take the time to do this correctly.
However, the logo is just the beginning. All of your brand’s visual components are included in your brand design.
Your design team will create a whole brand system, including the visual components of your brand after the logo is finished. Your organization will benefit from a uniform external image thanks to your brand system.
4. Inform Your Stakeholders About the Changes.
It’s crucial to inform your company’s stakeholders, including your staff, clients or customers, investors, and vendor partners, of your bold new identity.
Although every organization may take a different strategy, the fundamental idea remains: Make sure to promote your name change widely. That implies that you shouldn’t finish a task by sending one email. Consider the different areas where your audience interacts with your brand, and make the adjustments clear on all these channels.
Additionally, don’t simply inform folks of your name change. Give them the WHY. The more information you can give your viewers on the changes’ causes, the better. Authenticity and openness of this nature will help you win over customers.
5. Product Architecture
A product naming architecture plan will decide which products or services need a sub-brand name and which can be descriptive.
Which names should be developed or, alternatively, kept depends on the brand architecture. For instance, a business might switch to a master-brand architecture and use descriptive offering names to build equity for the corporate brand. Depending on this choice, either numerous names or one must be generated. Before the naming process ever begins, brand architecture clarifies its parameters and aids in more precise budgeting for things like name creation, trademarking, signage, and updated collateral.
50+ Product Name Ideas for Your New Product
You don’t need to seek far to find new brand name ideas. Here are a few concepts from actual companies. Potential customers and clients will be drawn to these company names.
A product name can use rhyme schemes or some form of alliteration. It makes a mental connection between the brain and that specific business and product.
- Astrohouse
- Zodiance
- Astrsutra
- Astroarena
- Lingonomy
- Astroland
- Big city babies
- Momentot
- Kiddishop
- Diaperfy
- Teenistore
- Babydream
- Swimsquad
- Aquaschool
- 5swim
- Waterteens
- Mermaidtut
- Lilpool
- Techfit
- Burnd
- Abstown
- Fitfinity
- Flexicity
- Facada
- Sound-ing
- Echocenter
- Hearright
- Audioplus
- Hear to clear
- Soundplus
- Happy events
- Lamaria
- Quaintcharms
- Riveria
- Luxlodge
- Ethereal
- Wine24
- 7 grand
- Highspirits
- Snugbar
- Wildhawk
- Sincities
- Urbanshaves
- Justache
- Hestory
- Mr.cut
- Hairdrives
- Hairsflair
- Glmazon
- Facerose
- Beautyalove
- Glowticity
If you don’t know where to begin, naming your product could seem intimidating. Your company name needs to be short, distinctive, and reflect the importance of what you do.
Yes, that may seem like a lot to fit into 5 letter Brand Names, 3 letter Brand Names & 7 letter Brand Names but remember that your company name is an integral component of your brand. As your company expands and your value proposition is established, the name will gradually gain more significance.
How to Give the Best Name to Your Product that he deserved?
Ultimately, brand names are much more significant than most of us understand. Many business owners spend months developing the perfect name for their firm before assuming they can kick back and unwind. They are also unaware of the necessity of naming their goods and services.
The good news is that if you adhere to the proper naming guidelines for your items, you should end up with names that enable people to openly discuss your products and foster natural interest in your business.
Your product names may eventually even have a life of their own and turn into verbs like “YouTube.” It’s also important to remember that once you begin learning to name a product, thinking of other names later on also gets more natural.
Creating the correct brand name from your initial round of ideas can take weeks or months. Titles will start to flow more readily to you as you get to know your brand and its personality, though, almost like extensions of the essence of your business.
Don’t merely dismiss the process of product naming as more backbreaking labor. The benefits will become evident if you give it the time and effort they merit.

In publishing and graphic design, Lorem ipsum is a placeholder text commonly used to demonstrate the visual form of a document or a typeface without relying on meaningful content.