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Home » Top 15 Free AI Tools Better Than ChatGpt You Need To Know In 2023

Top 15 Free AI Tools Better Than ChatGpt You Need To Know In 2023

Top 15 free AI tools better than Chatgpt You Need to Know in 2023

Ever since the introduction of ChatGPT, SEO professionals and content creators have eagerly embraced this AI chatbot to streamline their workflows and simplify their tasks.

The capabilities of Chatgpt in automating various processes, generating content, and providing solutions for specific projects have been thoroughly explored and tested by users worldwide.

However, OpenAI’s ChatGPT is not the sole contender in the realm of chatbots.

ChatGPT Competing alternatives like Google Bard, Microsoft Bing, and other AI-based chatbots have arisen in the ever-growing AI market, suggesting additional choices and options for users who seeks for chatbot solutions.

The growing site of AI-powered chatbots offers various range of possibilities and opportunities for users to find the most appropriate tool that allies with their likings and requirements.

With an array of alternatives available, users have the luxury of selecting the chatbot that best suits their needs and optimizes their productivity and effectiveness in SEO and content creation tasks.

What Is ChatGPT And How It Can Be Used?

OpenAI developed an advanced AI model named as “ChatGPT”.

It is designed to involve in interactive and vibrant conversations with users.

Using deep learning techniques and a vast amount of training data, chatgpt can understand and generate human-like responses to text inputs.

Chatgpt can be utilized in various ways, including:

  • Virtual assistance: chatgpt can serve as a virtual assistant, providing information, answering questions, and offering support in a conversational manner.
  •  Content generation: it can generate coherent and contextually relevant text, making it useful for tasks like drafting emails, writing articles, or creating social media posts.
  • Idea exploration: chatgpt can help users brainstorm ideas by engaging in interactive conversations and providing suggestions on specific topics.
  • Language translation: it can assist in translating text from one language to another, facilitating communication across different linguistic barriers.
  • Learning and education: chatgpt can act as an educational resource, providing explanations, answering queries, and offering guidance on various subjects.
  • Customer support: it can be employed in customer service scenarios, automating responses to frequently asked questions and assisting users with common issues.

Drawbacks Of Chatgpt

While chatgpt is an impressive AI model, it also has some limitations and drawbacks:

  • Lack of contextual understanding: chatgpt can sometimes generate responses that lack deep contextual understanding. It may provide answers that sound plausible but are factually incorrect or miss the intended meaning of the input.
  • Sensitive to input phrasing: chatgpt can be sensitive to slight changes in the phrasing of a question or prompt, leading to inconsistent or varying responses. This behavior can make it challenging to rely on the model for consistent and accurate outputs.
  • Biased or offensive: chatgpt may inadvertently generate biased or offensive content based on the biases present in its training data. OpenAI has taken steps to mitigate this issue, but biases can still emerge in the model’s responses.
  • Inability to ask clarifying question: unlike a human conversational partner, chatgpt lacks the ability to ask for clarifications when it encounters ambiguous or unclear input. This can lead to misunderstandings and inaccurate responses.

Regardless of the drawbacks, the benefits of ChatGPT in helping users automating different tasks are noteworthy. Just don’t depend on ChatGPT whole heartedly, especially on topics where you lack knowledge.

That is where most creators run into trouble with ChatGPT and AI-generated content: they let the application do most of the heavy lifting, when, in fact creating faculty accurate and human-readable content should be done by humans itself.

Why Should You Use a ChatGPT Alternative?

Well using a chat GPT alternative will only benefit you in gaining access to more updated features.

Exploring different options can help you find the most suitable solution that aligns with your objectives and enhances your conversational AI experiences.

Let’s get a brief description on these 11 newly updated ChatGPT alternatives:

1. Google Brad

Google Brad

Google brad is an experimental AI service developed by Google as a competitoe to chatgpt.

It is powered by Google’s LAMDA (Language Model for Dialogue Applications), which has been trained on an extensive dataset containing trillions of words to enable it to generate responses and engage in conversations.

However, like other chatbots, Brad is not infallible and can produce inaccurate information.

This was demonstrated in a Google Bard demo that had a significant negative impact on the company’s stock.

Users should exercise caution when relying on the information generated by Bard or any chatbot.

2. Microsoft Bing Chat 

Microsoft Bing Chat

Microsoft’s new feature, codenamed Sydney, is generating attention in the AI market, highlighting that Google is not the sole player in this domain.

Microsoft has enhanced Bing with an upgraded iteration of chatgpt, touting improved accuracy and faster performance compared to previous versions.

3. is a cloud-based conversational AI platform renowned for its robust natural language understanding (NLU) and dialog management features.

It is Powered by OpenAI’s GPT-3.5 and supplemented with proprietary NLU models, excels in inspiring writing, aiding content creation, and supporting marketing teams in crafting persuasive ad copy and generating visually appealing images.

With its focus on customer service, sales, and marketing tasks, emerges as a valuable tool for organizations seeking effective and efficient AI-powered solutions in these domains.

4. Claude 


Anthropic has recently unveiled Claude, an advanced AI assistant designed to handle a wide array of conversational and text-based tasks.

Claude is the result of Anthropic’s research focused on training AI systems to be helpful, honest, and safe.

With capabilities ranging from summarization and search to creative writing, collaborative writing, Q&A, and even coding.

Claude is accessible through both a chat interface and an API via their developer console.

Anthropic offers two versions of claude: the original version and claude Instant, which is a faster, lighter, and more cost-effective alternative.

Anthropic has established partnerships with renowned brands such as Quora, Juni Learning, Notion, and DuckDuckGo.

5. Chatsonic 


Chatsonic positions itself as an alternative to ChatGPT, emphasizing its factual content-creation capabilities.

According to its claims, chatsonic is powered by google search, enabling users to generate content with accurate, up-to-date information on trending topics and current events in real time.

6. NeevaAI


NeevaAI is another AI model that you can use instead of chatGPT. It provides a unique and distinctive description that makes it distinguishable with other AI-language models.

NeevaAI offers a comprehensive and reliable search experienced by leveraging its vast database of millions of pages.

The system diligently curates thorough responses for user queries and includes relevant sources to support its findings.

One of the prominent features highlightes by the company is NeevaAI’s commitment to providing an ad-free and tracker-free browsing experience.

This ensures that users can focus on obtaining information without distractions or privacy concerns.

Moreover, NeevaAI goes the extra mile by presenting references alongside search results.

This empowers users to independently verify the source and credibility of the information they encounter, promoting transparency and trustworthiness in the search process.

7. Youchat 

Youchat has recently introduced YouChat, an innovative AI search assistant designed to facilitate human-like conversations directly within search results.

Similar to chatgpt, YouChat utilizes advanced AI technology to deliver real-time data and supports its responses with cited sources, ensuring enhanced accuracy and relevance.

By leveraging YouChat, users can engage in conversational interactions to ask complex questions, solve problems through logical reasoning, expand their language proficiency, and even generate content in multiple languages.

This comprehensive range of functionalities opens up new possibilities for users to explore and harness the power of AI in their search engine.

8. Perplexity 


Perplexity AI introduces a conversational search engine that empowers users to receive answers to a wide range of questions across various topics.

It is powered by OpenAI’s GPT 3.5 API.

Perplexity AI stands out by providing responses that include citations from websites and sources across the internet, distinguishing it from chatgpt. In addition to delivering informative answers, perplexity AI goes a step further by offering users the opportunity to explore topics in more depth through follow-up questions.

9. Character.AI


Character.AI offers a unique approach to AI-driven conversations by focusing on AI personalities.

Unlike ChatSonic where personas are just a feature, Character.AI places emphasis on providing chat-like experiences with a diverse selection of AI characters.

From well-known personalities like Mario to Tony Stark, users can engage in conversations with different types of personalities.

If you are looking to explore a different realm of AI interactions and enjoy engaging with AI characters, character.AI might be an appealing choice for you.

10. Elicit 


Elicit presents itself as an AI research assistant, providing valuable support for various research tasks.

It excels in generating concise and reliable summaries while placing a strong emphasis on the credibility and accuracy of the sources it utilizes.

Elicit offers quick access to a v ast collection of relevant publications, ensuring efficient retrieval of information aligned with your query.

Additionally, it possesses the capability to address research-related questions effectively.


By leveraging the GPT language generation model, this tool possesses the capability to generate text that closely resembls human-like language.

This functionality proves particularly useful for creating a range of educational materials, including learning objectives, icebreakers, assessment questions, and more.

12. Rytr 


Rytr is an AI-powered writing assistant that supports over 40 languages.

It aides in various writing tasks such as creating business plans, refining knowledge base articles, and improving email communication.

Users can access Rytr for free (upto 10,000 characters per month) and pay as they go for additional usage.

With its user-friendly interface, Rytr offers valuable AI-powered support for effective writing.

13. GitHub Copilot 

GitHub Copilot

GitHub Copilot powered by openAI codex’s GPT-3 model,is an auto-completion tool for popular development environments like VS code, Neovim, and JetBrains. It supports a wide range of languages, including JavaScript, Go, Perl, PHP, Ruby, Swift, TypeScript, and BASH.

14. DEEPL Write


DeepL Write, developed by renowned AI language translation provider DeepL, is a beta product designed to enhance writing proficiency.

Leveraging their  expertise in articial intelligence language translation, DeepL has created an AI-powered writing assistant.

DeepL Writes offers advanced features to assist users in enhancing the quality and precision of their writing, allowing them to produce high-caliber content with greater ease and accuracy.

It is a leading player in the AI language translation field since its establishment in 2017.

15. Tabnine 


Tabnine is an AI-driven auto-competion tool designed for widely-used programming languages like python, typescript/javascript, and java.

It utilizes AI to suggest relevant functions as users type, and its engine has undergone recent updates to enhance its competitveness.

Compared to other AI auto-completion tools like Copilot, Tabnine may require additional user input for generating suggestions.

Tabnine offers a free plan and also provides an upgrade option starting at $15 per month, offering users flexibility in choosing the plan that suits their needs.

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