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Can AI Replace Your Job by 2027?

Can AI Take Your Job Till 2023

Career APOCALYPSE: 83M Jobs Will Be Lost Globally By 2027 Bank Postal Clerks

According to World Economic Forum (WEF) analysts, 83 million jobs will be eliminated globally in the next five years as new technology replaces positions such as cashiers, secretaries, bank and postal clerks, and others.

In addition, 69 million employees will be produced in developing sectors including robotics, sustainability, and artificial intelligence (AI).

Still, that is a net loss of 14 million employees, or 2% of the total number of occupations in the world today.

The WEF research was released at the same time that IBM revealed intentions to automate 7,800 back-office positions over the next five years and that Google’s AI guru Geoffrey Hinton resigned from the company due to the “dangers” of the cutting-edge technology.

The managing director of the research organization, Saadia Zahidi, claimed that six out of ten workers would need to return to school to remain in the labor market since computers were becoming more and more capable of performing duties currently done by people.

For the millions of people who have already had their lives upended or stretched by the coronavirus pandemic, as well as geopolitical and economic developments, she added, that was “adding more uncertainty.”

She urged businesses and governments to implement new programs to assist workers with improved “education, re-skilling, and social support structures” to enable the “shift to the jobs of the future.”

For their 296-page report, the forum’s researchers gathered the viewpoints of 803 businesses that employ more than 11.3 million people.

The forum hosts the annual gathering of business executives in Davos, Switzerland.

The first targets are bank tellers and clerks. Other at-risk professions include postal clerks, cashiers and ticket sellers, data entry teams, secretaries, stock-keeping clerks, accounting, bookkeeping, and payroll clerks.

The occupations with the fastest job growth include data analysts, business intelligence, information security, robotics engineers, and AI, machine learning, and sustainability professionals.

Future Predictions

According to the authors of the “Future of Jobs” report, certain industries might grow by as much as 30% year through 2027.

Real job growth in e-commerce, digital marketing and strategy, and specialists in digital transformation will total over 2 million, with online shopping seeing the largest increase.

Automation, digitization, and the advent of AI systems, such as chatbots like ChatGPT, as well as rising inflation, slower economic growth, and supply shortages are all contributing to the loss of jobs, according to academics.

The same broad trends, such as the corporate sector’s commitment to diversity, sustainability, and the environment, as well as the development of locally based supply chains with a reduced reliance on international transportation networks, are reflected in the areas of growth.

According to the report, hiring teams should concentrate on candidates that possess analytical and creative thinking abilities as well as agility, motivation, and self-awareness.

They should also be curious and open to picking up new skills.

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