A big morning cereal producer and an independent rock band are engaged in the most improbable of trademark disputes, with a line of cereal cups at the centre of the conflict.
Following months of legal threats from the band, which said that the company was attempting to capitalize on its brand name, Post Foods has filed a complaint against OK Go.
Even while there is a lot of finger-pointing over two goods that are ostensibly difficult to mix up — a band best known for its complex music videos, including “Here It Goes Again,” and a cereal dish with instant milk powder that only requires cold water — the hostility is genuine. The company claims that this was a preventative measure to preserve Trademark Service.
The cereal bowl’s name would suggest support from the band, according to a cease-and-desist letter the band’s lawyer issued to Post in September. The band has previously had advertising deals with Sony & Chevrolet. It also mentioned that it has produced a number of advertising movies for Honey Bunches of Oats, a different Post product.
This final argument wasn’t taken seriously by Post attorneys, who responded to an attorney quote from OK Go by saying, “Given the length of time that has passed since that limited collaboration over ten years ago, very small number of views indicated on the YouTube videos you referenced, and the general consuming public’s rather short attention span, it will also have absolutely no bearing on consumer perception of Post’s mark OK GO! used with cereal or cereal-based snacks.”
Post didn’t reply right away when Fortune asked for a comment. A remark from the band OK GO! was not immediately available.
This post originally published in Furtune and the link of source is here.

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