The name change of Zomato has sparked out and there are meeting going on for the same reason. Zomato’s founder and CEO Deepinder Goyal, was likely to change the name from ‘Zomato‘ to ‘Eternal’ in August 2022 but somewhat the plan was dropped, yet again this year the news has sparked to be changed.
The Twitter users reacted to other Twitter users who suggested names, one such name suggestion is “Maa’ has a lot of power, so always zoMaato!”
The users even debated on how they liked and preferred to pronounce the name feeling connected to the words and creating the meaning of their own. It all started after the CEO Deepinder Goyal addressed the company’s name as ‘zoMaato’ in his recent tweet. The famous food delivery platform soon corrected him saying it is not ‘zoMaato’ but ‘zoMaito’.
Whether the named company choose ‘zoMaato’ or ‘zoMaito’, the topic gained the attention of the users debating and polling being done of which one is more suitable.
After Zomato’s founder and CEO Deepinder Goyal referred to the company as ‘zoMaato’ on Twitter, the official Zomato account playfully corrected him by saying, “You don’t know your company is called zoMaito.” Goyal then left it up to the public to decide on the correct pronunciation by conducting a Twitter poll, giving them a choice between ‘zoMaito’ and ‘zoMaato’.

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